Jesús Arturo Devesa

Economist , MBA

Impact of Fiscal deficit reduction policies over economic sectors

Ideas and data for congressmen and senators:

The necessity of millionaires (04/08/12):

Our econometric model indicates that wealthy people have unstable incomes that are usually linked to financial markets.

High earners have volatile incomes.

Taxing the wealthy creates budget shortfall in the recession cycle.

Encouraging wealthy people to work and prosper despite their income volatility is an import way to reduce fiscal deficits.

The dependence on the wealthy to reduce fiscal deficits has become more visible in the last 20 years and an increase in millionaires would allow a State and Federal tax reduction.

If you want to be a policymaker and work with ideas and research that will impact on your constituency, please contact us:

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Our ideas and studies taken from analytical data may give you instruments to implement innovative solutions.